During the 84th New York State School Music Association Conference to be held in Rochester, NY from December 5 – 8, 2019, Marcia will be presenting on the topic: “Strategies that Improve Students’ Success with the Artistic Processes of Performing and Responding”. You are cordially invited to attend this session.
Session Abstract
“Composing and non-jazz improvisation provides a foundation for performing and responding to artistic works. Learn to empower band and classroom musicians to analyze, interpret, rehearse, evaluate, refine, convey meaning, and meet Anchor Standards 4-9. Evidence of student success, from elementary to college to senior adults, will be shared.”
Retired Professionals Society, Rochester, NY, 2019.
Key Note Speaker: “Building Community through Music and Service Learning.”
NYSSMA Winter Conference, Rochester, NY, 2017.
Presenter: “Engagement: A Means to Advocate for Music.”
College Music Society National Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2017. Accepted peer-reviewed proposal: “Honoring Mother Earth: An Intergenerational Arts Collaboration.”
Brighton Chamber of Commerce, Brighton, NY, 2017.
Presenter: “Insightful Leadership: A Music Director’s Perspective.”
Association for Music Education National Conference, Nashville, TN, 2015.
“Excite and Engage: Essentials in Fostering Creativity.”
“Create and Connect: Strategies in Composing, Improvising, and Engagement.”
Sigma Alpha Iota Eta Province Day, Ithaca College School of Music, Ithaca, NY, 2015.
Presenter: “Performance Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Management Strategies.”
New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) Annual Symposium, Liverpool, NY, 2015. Presenter: “Transform Your Community: Build Support through Service-Learning and Community Engagement.”
College Music Society National Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2014.
Presenter: “The Confluence of Learning and Giving in Music Curricula: Innovative Models of Service-Learning and Community Engagement.”
Ithaca College Alumni Weekend, Ithaca College School of Music, Ithaca, NY, 2014.
Coordinator, Panelist: “It’s a Life Unfolding.”
College Music Society, Northeast Region Conference, Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, NY, 2014.
Presenter: “Performance Anxiety: Addressing the Elephant in Aural Skills Courses.”
National Association for Music Education, Eastern Division Conference, Hartford, CT, 2013.
Presenter: “Fostering Creativity in Instrumental Music.”
Sigma Alpha Iota Eta A Province Day, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, 2009.
Conductor, Presenter: “An Informance” featuring the New Horizons Big Band.
Consultant for School 16, Rochester City School District, Rochester, NY. September, 2018 – February, 2019. Served as a budget delegate for Participatory Budgeting Rochester which was under the supervision of the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative.
(See Full Recommendation)
- Collaborated with school leaders, art and music teachers, and project partners to develop programming in character education, service-learning, and the arts for elementary school students.
- Project title: “RCSD School 16 Builds Community in the 19th Ward”
- Funds would have come from an Empire State grant.
- Vetted projects were voted upon by Monroe County (NY) residents. Projects that won focused on housing for the homeless and food for the poor.
Program evaluation consultant for The Commission Project, Rochester, NY. 2005-2008.
- Conducted a study investigating the effectiveness of 2 TCP core programs, including review of TCP goals, exploration of literature pertaining to creativity, and program assessment, identification of program outcomes and student achievement goals, survey development and administration, rehearsal and concert observations.
- Participants in the 2005-06 Composer-in-Residence Programs included three Rochester, NY region school districts, with four collaborating music teachers and four composers servicing 236 students between ages 9 and 18.
- Participants in the 2005-06 Blues in Schools Program included two schools in the Rochester City School District with five teachers working in four classrooms of children ages 9 – 10. One teaching artist worked with all students.
- Discussed data, findings, and recommendations in:
“A Program Evaluation Report for The Commission Project of the 2005-06 Composer-in-Residence and Blues in Schools Programs”.